Welcome to our FAQ section for artists. We’ve compiled information on how to submit your artwork, the selection process, artist liaison service, selling through our platform and terms of cooperation. For any further questions please do not hesitate to send an email to contact@coaxmag.de
How can I join your platform?
We always appreciate artists’ interest in our platform. Please send your submission documents in PDF format (text) and JPEG format (images) to contact@coaxmag.de. The submission should contain a minimum of three available artworks including title, technique, size and suggested price for each work. Please also add your artist CV and a short statement about your work. Our expert curators will then review your portfolio and let you know about the outcome.
How long does the review process take?
Due to the high number of submissions we get, the review process will take about 4 weeks. No matter whether the answer is a yes of no, we’ll always let you know about our decision.
Can I still sell my artwork with other galleries?
Our artists sign an agreement for the artworks featured on our website only. These pieces are available exclusively via Return on Art and may not be sold privately or via another gallery.